The GBCDT would like to introduce and warmly welcome Nat Higginbottom into his new role as Part Time Development Officer.

Nat and his wife Julia, originally from South Africa, moved from Birmingham to Kirkibost in 2019. They now run a croft and a small shop which sells home grown produce, as well as other locally sourced supplies, and Nat also undertakes remote working from home.

Nat is a highly skilled and creative craft editor with over 28 years of professional experience. His work has included programming, award winning broadcast television, video and film production, digital innovation, web design and social media management. He also has a drive and passion for helping to bring about positive change in communities through community engagement projects, collaborative working and the sharing of skills and knowledge.

One of Nat’s first roles as Development Officer will be designing and developing the Trust’s digital capabilities. This will include working on a new website, improving community interaction through social media and creating archives of existing projects for the work of the Trust.

Nat’s skill set, experience and creative thinking will be a great asset to the team, and we wish him all the best in this new role.

To contact Nat, phone, text or WhatsApp him on 07831 690547 or email