Great News …..

In December 2022, GBCDT secured grant funding from DTAS (Development Trust Association of Scotland) to help our island community with the cost-of-living crisis. Working in conjunction with the Bernera Community Association our key objectives with this funding support are to:

– Provide a warm space over the winter months with free weekly soup, bread & hot drinks and a free lift service to those without transport.
– Hold quarterly advice/support sessions or events to help with cost-of-living crisis.
– Provide food and fuel vouchers or discounts.
– Provide products to help residents to stay warm at home.

The first project to materialize is a Warm Winter Soup Stop which provides a warm space every Thursday throughout the winter months (January to May ‘23). Free home made soup and bread, hot drinks and biscuits are on offer and it’s also a great place to come and meet friends and make new ones. All are welcome to come along for a nice hot soup and a blether.

We’d like to say a big thank you! to DTAS for this grant funding. (The GBCDT are a Member of the DTAS)